Le Mirage RTA by Vaponaute

  • $ 197.20

1 per box

Made by the French vape company, Vaponaute, the Le Mirage RTA is a single or dual vertical coil RTA. With PEEK heat-resistant top cap, the Le Mirage is designed with a ultra-reduced chamber with a new concept inspired by Fluid Mechanics: The Vortex. The Le Mirage is built with airholes that are 180 degrees apart, allowing the creation of force which will direct air and vapor through the vortex, increasing vapor production, while providing enhanced flavor. Both mesh and cotton can be used.

*Even though this atomizer is made for dual coil, it is not designed for cloud chasing. 

  • Authentic made in France
  • 22mm diameter
  • Tank capacity: 2.8ml
  • Wick holes: 3.2mm for coils on a 2.5mm pole
  • Adjustable airflow
  • Included: 1 x grey o-ring, 1 x black 16mm o-ring, 1 x black 17mm o-ring, 2 x silicone plus, and 1 M3x 4mm screw for central positive post for Clapton dual coil
  • Unique airflow design (AFC/Top Cap)
  • Condensed Vortex vapor chamber
  • Clean industrial aesthetic
  • Great flavor and vapor production
  • Compact design
  • Large juice capacity for its size
  • Leak proof
  • Consistent performance
  • Limited to 2400 pieces produced
ADV Thoughts: Genny fanatics have something to rave about with Vaponaute's Le Mirage. Either utilizing the atomizer with cotton or mesh, nothing can go wrong. The PEEK airflow control also acts as the reduced chamber with indirect airflow swirling the vapor that intensifies all juice flavors. The French designed this with love from inside out.