FU CHAI Authentic Mechanical Mod from Sigelei
Authentic Mechanical Mod from Sigelei
Here’s a great deal on the authentic Fu Chai mod by Sigelei, get one from Simply 4 Vapor.
The Fu Chai is an authentic and original new mechanical mod from Sigelei. This beautiful device has a unique and intricate design and is names after the last Emperor. The main tube is made from a 100% copper tube wrapped in stainless steel decorated with engraved Chinese characters. A voltage drop of almost zero is achieved with copper contacts and a copper 510 center pin along with the copper inner tube.
A double adjustable positive battery contact and 510 center pin prevents battery rattle and allows you to flush mount your atomizer. The bottom firing switch is recessed into the tube and is equipped with a locking ring to prevent mis-fires. Choose from four colors; black, coffee, gun metal, and stainless steel.