Trademark Infringement - Cease & Desist

Trademark Infringement - Cease & Desist

  • $ 21.99

Don’t vape another taste-alike flavor with branding ripped off from some cereal or candy company! Celebrate originality with our exclusive Trademark Infringement premium glass bottle e-liquid. This creamy lemon-mint vape is like nothing you’ve ever tried before! It opens with lemon, finishes with mint, and carries cream all the way through. Trademark Infringement comes with a special message for the vaping industry: let’s get original!
Trademark Infringement comes in a 60ml glass bottle, with a spare easy-pour 30ml plastic bottle, our tongue-in-cheek Cease and Desist letter, and our exclusive Dripster, the original drip coaster, in a unique specially-designed presentation box. 

70% VG