Naked 100 By Schwartz - Hawaiian Pog On Ice

Naked 100 By Schwartz - Hawaiian Pog On Ice

  • $ 19.99

A flavor so shockingly good it's like shoving your feet into the cold sand. The tropics clash with the Arctic in this fight for dominance. Passion fruit's lusciousness blends into the citrus uniqueness of orange which then dances with the exotic experience of guavas. An already award-winning product evolves to include the perfected menthol experience that only a brand such as Naked 100 E Liquid can provide. The new Hawaiian Pog On Ice delivers a truly unique experience under the Naked On Ice E Liquid branding. Take your love for tropical experience and heighten it with an excellent chill. Fall in love once again with Hawaiian Pog with a new take via the Hawaiian Pog On Ice and take your vape experience to all new heights. 

70% VG