Creative Juices Premium Elixir - Self Control

Creative Juices Premium Elixir - Self Control

  • $ 15.99

Primary Flavors: Milky Cinnamon Squares, gently spritzed w/sugar & Dunked in a creamy finish.

Most people would say it’s something you either have or don’t use, well hear me when I’m saying, you have the power, use it. Control has always been associated with power, even lust or greed. Don’t let your ego hold you back, set your soul free & regain your self-control back. Your soul is the light of your heart, regardless how dark it has become, this flavor will help brighten it to its full potential again. Presenting to you a very sugary cinnamon cereal drenched in 2 kinds of milk that is meant to be enjoyed breakfast, lunch & dinner. After a short session with self-control you’ll be back in the front seat of your life again.

70% VG